Humanity undergoes a constant process of spiritual
evolution; this evolution is represented by people who
have had an experience of awakening. |
All human beings are capable of having this
experience of awakening. It is humanity's birthright. |
This experience of awakening is not tied to any
spiritual movement, concept, or religion. Neither is
it tied to what any specific culture designs as its"morality". |
Those who have awakened have taken countless
different forms, and are present in every time and
place. |
No two people have become awakened in the same
way, though all awakened people have had a common
course of experiences. Thus, in following this course
one can create the preconditions that can help lead
one to the awakening condition, even though there is
no formula for awakening itself. |
The experience of reality is impossible to
transmit through the written or spoken word. You
cannot gain an experience of reality through
intellectual study of an awakened person's teachings. |
These teachings are nevertheless useful in a
specific sense, to give glimpses of understanding that
can propel one to practice exercises that will lead
one to experience reality for oneself. |
The teachings of awakened persons are shown
indirectly, in a lesser form, through words written or
spoken; then through symbols, and most accurately
through techniques. |
However, when an awakened person is incarnate
in a body, the most direct forms of the teachings are
given by his energy field, his image, and his physical
words and presence.
The first two of these greater teachings remain
significant for some time even after an awakened
person has left the body, as long as there were those
who were capable of becoming awakened that maintain
the vibrancy of that "teacher". |
The ultimate form of teaching an awakened person
can give is in the form of initiation; where that
person transmits the divine energy of awakening itself
into a willing recipient, that may then be used by
that recipient to fuel their own transformation at
will. |
Neither the lesser teachings nor the greater
teachings, nor initiation itself are capable of
creating awakening in anyone, ever. They are only
capable of providing a catalyst for one to awaken.
Each person is completely responsible for their own
awakening. Although each person is responsible, there
is no physical act, discipline, hardship, or method
that one can follow that will cause awakening. |
No external set of morality, ethics, or laws
will lead to awakening. A mystic has to be
responsible for their own morality based on the
dictates of their heart. |
No intellectual study will lead one to
awakening. A mystic must accept their ignorance. |
No physical or energetic technique will lead one
to awakening. Some techniques can repeatedly create
certain effects that could even seem miraculous to
common men; creating states of bliss or altered
consciousness, lucid dreams, energetic manipulation of
reality around oneself. A mystic must accept these
signs when they occur but not misinterpret them as a
sign of divine wisdom or attainment. |
The act of awakening occurs only by removing
attachments to these and all other pursuits, until one
has returned to nature, and united to the divine. |
Awakening can only happen, therefore, through a
state of Grace. |
This Grace is not causable by any act, but the
avoidance of incorrect actions, and the emptying of
the self and one's own presumptions, desires, and
attachments, either slowly through practice or quickly through sudden shift, can create the opportunity for
this Grace to enter one's awareness. |
Thus, one must follow the path of the Mystic
through the work of Uniting (yoga), working towards
union in the physical, mental, emotional and energetic
dimensions of one's being. |
This "work" is dependent on one's inner work
(upon the psychological self or the soul) as well as
one's outer work (in the regular world: career,
family, material conditions, friendships,
relationships). |
The practice of any of these spiritual techniques
with the right motivations and focused both inwardly
and outwardly will create a state of naturalness, and
lead to inner and outer peace.
Likewise, the practice of any of these spiritual
techniques, the followings of teachings or "teachers",
when done with motives and ends other than the
attainment of awakening, will inevitably fail. These
practices when done for the wrong reasons will lead to
imbalances of a person's mental health, material
condition, obsession, laziness or inability to act,
despondency, gossip, and delusions. |
Thus, every mystic must first and foremost be
aware of the need to be watchful of one's motivations,
and note that if any of these symptoms arise, they
need to be rectified by returning to the source of
one's pure motivations for practice. |
Finally, it bears repeating that even these
guidelines, intended as they are to create a
fundamental basis by which to define true Mysticism,
are merely an expression of the written word. They
are inaccurate in as much as the human ability to
interpret and understand the transmission of the
teaching by this medium in an unbiased way is highly
limited. Remember that this teaching is also
imperfect. You will only find Truth within yourself. |