My heart is going wild!
Help me, o masters!
My secret love becomes revealed for all time!
We are broken boats,
you will not help us wind, move on,
perhaps you'll be more useful to a friend.
The love of this world lasts only a few days.
It is all fantasy and sentiment.
Be good to your friends,
while you still have the chance.
"How badly I want the morning's drink",
said the nightingale last evening,
while surrounded by sweet flowers.
Be grateful for the blessings you have,
fortunate man!
Help the poor mystic as much as you're able.
There is happiness in heaven and earth,
if only two creeds are followed:
"Be just to your friend,
make peace with your foe".
And if you have never reached the houses of fame and fortune,
Admit that you cannot change what is written.
When you feel miserable and self-pitying,
Drink wine, and take pleasure,
in this way the pauper can find the richest secret.
The cup of wine is like the mirror of Alexander,
through it he took the kingdom of Darius.
Forgive me o well-dressed Priest,
It is the will of Allah, if my cloth is smeared with wine.