My poor heart is the sanctuary of Allah's Love.
My eyes only reflect the beauty of the Beloved.
I cannot hope to grasp the secrets
of this world or the other,
Only Allah can provide refuge,
only Allah gives grace.
The priests seek the gardens of paradise.
I only want the Friend.
People can only understand in accordance to their
O priest, so what if my robe is full of dirt?
We both know the Friend's robe is clean.
All the flowers in the valley
only grow by Allah's Love.
Now is our turn, the great lovers of the past are
Everyone only has has a few brief days,
and these days run out.
The kingdom of Love, and the treasures of Bliss,
I have received only by the will of Allah.
Don't be worried that your poverty is extreme, Hafiz.
Allah's Love has transformed your heart
into the greatest jewel.