Hey Nightingale!
Feel sorry and cry for me,
there's nothing else to do.
Pour the wine!
I'm not proud of my wine-stained cloak;
but the Priests aren't sober, they're drunk on pride.
To the brutish-lovers, you give no pain;
only us free-thinkers would want to be bound like
Pure Love comes from a divine source;
not from ruby-lips and pretty figures.
Beauty isn't in the eyes, the hair, the skin, the
There's many secrets there, but Baraka isn't one of
The fine silk robes of the ignorant
aren't worth a penny in the Kingdom of Truth.
Its nearly impossible to reach you;
its hard to climb that high in the sky.
Hafiz: don't pester the Beloved with moaning,
Limitless Bliss comes to those who do not bother.