The musicians of Love played a beautiful song,
their notes came from heaven itself.
The world is never free from the cries of the lovers,
The song of Love is a melancholy dirge.
Though he has no gold to give,
merciful Allah forgives the wine-selling Mystic.
Value my heart, it is a true Lover.
My heart is exalted thinking of you.
If a King sometimes gives gifts
to his poor neighbour, it is only just.
I showed my doctor my bloody tears,
He said: "The disease of Love has a heartbreaking cure"
You'd best give up on your dedication to just dreaming,
In the Kingdom of Love, it is deeds that are rewarded.
How well the Saki said, beautiful and pure,
"be devoted to he who's face shows the Truth".
O Queen! At your threshold Hafiz will pray,
In response he looks only for a kind word.