I forget myself when you show your beauty,
The wind blows away the ashes of your victims.
The storm of misfortune brings ruin,
Death is a flood that sweeps away all.
No one can withstand the Beloved,
O Heart! Your hopes are in vain, give up!
The glow of my heart exceeds the fire of the temple,
My tears make the Tigris river seem small.
Ignore resistance, help the Teacher enjoy his fame,
it doesn't matter if you are forgotten.
There's no gain without suffering work,
If you wish for reward, then keep steady.
Be kind to me on the day I die,
Let me stay peacefully forever in my grave.
The Beloved says: "My eyes will kill you."
O Lord! Help the Beloved to forget cruelty!
Hafiz, the Beloved won't stay cheery just for you,
Forget the Beloved's door, and quit your crying.