A mysterious voice spoke to me at dawn:
"A brave King is ruling, drink and be brave!"
People of insight will need to hide nothing,
They will give new teachings, and reveal truths.
I tell my stories to the tune of the lyre,
If I held them in my heart, I would burn up.
Let us drink wine before the guard comes,
Drink with your friend and share good cheer.
Last night the Priest was seen drunk at a crime,
even though he was holding his prayer-rug.
If you seek salvation, here is my advice:
Don't practice debauchery, and don't show off your
piety either.
Allah's grace gives you divine vision,
To find Allah's sanctuary, work on your soul.
Were it not for Allah your voice would never speak,
Allah sees and hears any who speaks with friendliness.
The Kings can do what they wilt.
Hafiz, you hidden Sufi, keep still.