If I'm lucky, I'll get to pull at her skirt.
I seek her joyfully, and she skillfully hides.
My hoping heart has found no loyalty,
Even though the story of my Love is known to all.
You raised an eyebrow and it brings calamity.
In a single unhappy thought, all of precious life can
be wasted.
If that raised eyebrow appears in a dream,
Even there it will not miss its target.
I demand love from beauties with hardened hearts.
Disobedient children don't show any respect to their
old father.
I intend to forget Love, and retire.
But the musicians play their lyre, and I get shaken up
The priests demand silence for their rituals.
The guards are drunk with lies.
I demand wine.
Hafiz: if you resort to the road of Truth,
Your path will be escorted by the good wishes of saints.