You give me a message, from a beggar to a King:
"You can sell your kingdom at the tavern for a cup!"
Though I'm a rogue, and a lover of freedom,
by the grace of the Friend I'll still look respectable.
If you have the Elixir, pity my plight!
I don't have any gold to give, so let me be a servant.
The Friend has always ignored me,
And doesn't answer my messages or letters of love.
My wine is cheap, let the Priest enjoy his fame,
Drink cheap wine, and don't be a hypocrite.
O Priest! Your rosaries don't fool me!
The wise bird won't fly into a cage!
Who can I complain to of my sufferings?
Your lips give me life, but then go away.
Hafiz can't escape the arrow of the Beloved's eyes,
he can't seek revenge against such a murder as this.