Chapter 5The Golden Dawn Once upon a time there was a Kingdom, and this Kingdom was named Vida. It was filled with cities, where all the people lived, and each of these cities had nine gates. Each city had one ruler (who was given the title of 'demiurge'), and the whole Kingdom was ruled by an Emperor, whose name was Om. The Emperor had a wife, who shared the love of the Emperor with the people, and her name was Shanti But one day, the Emperor was lost in the eyes of the people. No one knew where he had gone, and the Demiurges of the cities with nine gates were left to their own devices. Immediately, the cities fell into chaos. Some made alliances with others, but most fell into distrust and warfare with themselves. All of the people wished to find the Emperor again, and some of Demiurges claimed to wish it as well. But others wished to hold on to their own power, feeling it better to be absolute ruler of a single city than simply a governor as part of a great empire. To this end, these Demiurges had to convince the people that the Emperor's disappearance was the fault of other cities, or their own fault. So in some cities, the people were tricked into paranoia and war with other cities, thinking that if only they could have power over these other cities they would be able to rediscover the Emperor. And in other cities, the people accepted harsh and repressive laws and taxes imposed by the Demiurges, being convinced that the Emperor had abandoned them because they were ungovernable, and that if they only proved their loyalty and obedience he would return. Eventually, in some cities, the people were even convinced that there had never been an Emperor, and that the Demiurges were and had always been the proper ruler. Now the Empire was in chaos. But what none of the Demiurges knew was that the Emperor had never left. He and his sons were still in the Empire, living in the cities, watching all that happened. The sons of the Emperor were all powerful magicians, and his daughters were priestesses. They spread out in secret to the cities, uniting the people where they could see that the people were still true and filled with a longing to rediscover the Emperor. To these cities they gradually revealed to the people that the Emperor was not dead, or lost, or a myth. He was right there among them, and all that was needed was to unite against the Demiurges, to unite in alliances with the people of other cities whose spirits were equally true. And so their eyes were opened. Thus, these cities rose up, against the Demiurges; the sons of the Emperor rode in on mighty Chariots to vanquish the Demiurges, and the daughters (who were very mighty) vanquished all of the terrible beasts these Demiurges had summoned up to guard the gates. Then the sons and daughters of the Emperor kissed, and by this kiss called down lighting that shattered the Towers where the Demiurges hid, towers that had been built over the true temples the Emperor had constructed. Thus a new Kingdom was born. And slowly, to this day, the Kingdom grows, as the sons and daughters of the Emperor reach out their influence to any people of any city with nine gates that is ready to hear the truth, and open their eyes. ![]() The Yoga of Astral Travel There are worlds to be discovered within you. Most people barely bother
to discover the world beyond them, the outer world, and this is a shame. But how does one begin to explore this world? It is an infinitely vast dimension, one that overlaps with the material;
because in the inner world you are free, if you realize it, from attachment
to the body. By what method do you reach it? Now, totally drawn into yourself, hold your breathing in that space
within your nose, again moving toward that space between the eyes. By this method, you will begin to experience certain things. From here on, I will leave it to you to explore. |