My heart will only accept the beauty of Love,
I have no understanding of anything but Love.
O Counselor: tell me of Love and its Bliss,
There is nothing I would rather hear about.
O blushing Saki: bring the blushing wine!
Happiness can't be found anywhere else.
I disguise my cup, people might think its a book.
This isn't surprising, since hypocrisy's ink has no colour.
I'm going to burn my ragged cloak,
since the Teacher doesn't accept it in place of a cup.
The Beloved's ruby lips reveal nothing but truth,
So it doesn't appeal to the "men of truth".
Don't ask me to forget your eyes and face,
If I'm obedient in this I could not be wise.
Your cunning, intelligent, enchanting eyes
have hunted my heart with the savageness of wild birds.
O Rich Man: remember the Sufi today,
He goes nowhere and knows no path.
Hafiz, your sweet poems are recited well,
The King will shower you with riches and gold.