I sense that my tears will betray my suffering,
My hidden love will be made plain for all to see.
They say that "patience can turn stones into rubies".
And yes! If you work hard, and you wait long.
With tears I ask the tavern for justice.
I might relieve my suffering, at the tavern.
I shoot arrows of prayer in every direction,
Hoping blindly that one will hit the mark.
Whisper my love-story to the Friend,
But quietly, or the warm wind will hear you!
The potion of Allah's Love made my face golden,
Yes! Grace can transmute dust into gold.
I became so indignant of my rivals' pride,
O Lord, do not let evil people enjoy their fame.
Many things are needed besides beauty,
to capture those who are love-struck.
Turmoil brews in the tower of the Friend,
in the end, it will turn many heads into dust.
Hafiz! Hold fast to the curls of the Beloved's hair.
Quietly! If the warm wind hears, it may steal it.