Joseph shall return to Canaan,
My house will once more smell like the Rose-garden.
O sad heart, don't be angry at your difficulties,
Worries soon pass, so don't suffer.
If Spring would rest on its throne of grass,
The bird would once more rest under the canopy of
If the world turns in your favour sometimes,
Be grateful, remember it won't always.
If you do not know Allah's secrets, don't worry.
Behind the curtain of Mystery lies a Love-affair.
O Heart, if a flood were to sweep away all life,
Your guidance would give me refuge, like Noah.
When you walk through the desert on the Hajj,
You cannot get upset at thorns pricking your feet.
The road is dangerous and the destination far,
but all roads end sometime.
Enemies oppose me, because they do not know the
Allah knows that I depend only on Him.
Hafiz: do not worry about the dark and lonely nights.
Study and pray, and you will be safe.