Take the Cup of Wonder, it shows great secrets,
In its glittering rays it shows the secrets of two worlds.
The homeless lovers of freedom sleep at the tavern door,
They take the crowns off Kings, but then give them away.
My pillow is a brick, my feet rest on the seven seas,
Take note of my great honour and station!
Witness the tavern: though its walls are not high,
They reach up to the tall firmament!
Don't waste your life without a Guide for your way,
You will have to wander many a dark road, don't get lost!
O heart, even if you win the kingdom of happiness,
you'd still try to own from the heavens to the sea.
All men can't be poor and give up material things,
Very few will be happy with poverty.
Hafiz! Be ashamed of such vain hopes!
How could you aim to heaven with a history so flawed?