O, ignorant: try to stay in wisdom!
Be a student before you try to be a leader!
In the school of Love, you obey the Teacher,
Someday you might become mature in Love's secrets.
Forget all your notions, like men of Truth must,
The Love-elixir will surely change you into gold.
If you only eat and sleep, you'll be brought low.
If you forget your body, you will be like a worthless statue.
In your very mortal heart is a very divine Love.
Find it, and you will shine brighter than the Sun in the sky.
If you dive into the sea of the Divine, you need fear nothing.
Even all the seven seas won't wet your hair.
Leave room for Allah's love from head to toe,
And you will certainly meet Allah the Loving.
If pleasing Allah is your main goal,
then men might say you are spiritually wise.
If all things are bound to die,
Then stay in Love, and live in joy!
Hafiz! if you expect the grace of the Friend,
Respect the advice of the spiritually wise.