The Pure in Heart will find their way to truth,
While the ignorant of truth will hide in denial.
Don't complain that I can't hide my secret,
Its better to be exposed than to live in false pride.
The Guards fake at being pious, but revel in debauchery,
While my debaucheries are told in every street corner.
My heart has been true to Love throughout eternity.
All else pases under the blue sky.
The flower tries to imitate the colour of your eyes,
but fails and thus remains a wonder.
I value nothing more than the song of Love,
The heavens cannot bring an end to such sweet
I wore a cloak that hid all my faults,
But Alas! Now I've pawned it for music and wine.
Hafiz saw the Beloved's curly hair for only one day,
And now will stay bound for eternity.