I'm not satisfied with the bliss of just loving you,
I hope for your lips, but I only drink your dregs.
When I saw the Friend, I lost my heart and my faith,
Where will such friendship lead me?!
Saki! Serve a cup of water and fire,
I'm poor at Love, but I admire the Beloved's beauty.
The Sun glimpsed your sublime beauty in my mansion,
And now he sneaks upon my roof all the time.
Once by chance the Friend remembered my name,
After that I became famous for my wisdom.
I sipped wine from His lips in eternity,
And even still I am drunk from this divine drink.
"Give Life," says the Beloved, "and I'll give you
You will not keep that promise, but I will do my best.
Hafiz, when you speak of the Beloved's lips,
Your pen is dipped in the water of life.