Like a barrel of wine, my fire is within,
But I keep quiet, drink blood, and hide my pain.
If you desire the lips of the Beloved, you kill yourself.
I keep trying to end my life.
When will my heart be free of suffering?
The Beloved's dark curls have enslaved me.
Allah forbid that I think myself pious,
Even though I only drink once in a while.
Despite all my sins, I think on the day of judgment
I'll also receive Allah's infinite grace.
Adam sold Paradise for two barleys,
If I don't follow his example, I can't be Adam's son.
My cloak of false piety keeps me hidden,
With it I hide all my failings.
I would rather drink the barrel's dregs,
If my Teacher considers this a privilege.
The poems of Hafiz will continue to bring happiness,
for as long as there are singers singing love-songs.